Title: Inception
Directed by: Christopher Nolan
written by: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Michael Caine
The first time I saw Simba lifted into the air, watching Derek battle Hansel in a walk-off, witnessing a spaceship above Soweto; these are some standout moments in my cinema experiences. I can safely add Nolan’s latest masterpiece to that list. Inception delivers from all angles with a lightning-fast pace and intelligent plot.
The film jumps right into the action, not wasting any time establishing premises or needlessly explaining how it is that in the world of Inception it is possible to enter other people’s dreams. With this in mind, the film develops into a classic heist film, with the obvious exception that it’s all taking place within a person’s dream. What follows is a visual orgasm of mind-bending action sequences and an incredible scene involving DiCaprio, Page and an exploding downtown Paris. The pace of the film is maintained extremely well and by the time the climax is reached you have completely forgotten that you’ve been sitting on your chair for a considerable amount of time.
It’s truly refreshing to see a big-budget film come out of Hollywood that isn’t either a sequel, remake of a popular TV show from the 80’s or a dumb formulaic action/comedy directed by Bay/Bruckheimer. Inception is a completely original piece of cinema with a plot that hasn’t been dumbed down for the masses. If you enjoyed the non-linear puzzle which was Nolan’s earliest major film, Memento, you will love this movie.
I give it 9 Hoers
Rob Scher
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