Title: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Director: Terry Gilliam
Release Date: 05-02-2010
So I don’t know if you know of a guy by the name of Terry Gilliam? Someone once referred to him as human cocaine, because he’s fuckin amazing, but man too much of him will fuck you up!
Well Mr. G strikes again in 2010 and this promises to be his most ambitious project yet, The film tells the story of Dr. Parnassus and his extraordinary 'Imaginarium', a travelling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. But then Gilliam completely flips the script, he throws in a love story, The devil played by Tom Waits –It don’t get no better!- a child who belongs to Tom Waits but was born of the immortal, serial gambling Dr. Parnassus. But then just to let shit get more out of hand the entire narrative focuses on Parnassus trying to go back on his wager with uSatan! And enlisting the help of a myriad and fantastic characters. But what really makes this almost unbearable to wait for is the fact that the lead character in he film was played by none other than Mr. Heath Ledger, who if you will remember died, ja it sucks, so Giliam being the bad muthafucka that he is salvaged the entire project by bringing in Johnny “I win” Depp, Jude “really he’s still acting” Law and Colin “what condom?” Farell to play different versions of his character! It’s oh so bold it’s so ambitious but does it not sound so delicious?
We’re going to have to pray for fire for this one children, because it sounds way too awesome to be true.
5th of February? That seems far, but so does Malmo!
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