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Monday, January 11, 2010

I like big furry butts and I cannot lie!

Dir: Spike Jonze

Writer: Dave Eggers and Spike Jonze

Cast: Catherine O’Hara, Forest Whitaker, James Gandolfini, Paul Dano and Catherine Keener

Release Date: 08-01-2010

Thank God for people like Maurice Sendak, I’ve come to grow sick of those fuckin Oprah types who continuously harp on about the magic of children and how they’re so insightful and intelligent and nyah nyah nyah SHUT THE FUCK UP! People are retarded this is a well known fact, children are little people, therefore one can assume that children are fuckin retarded, or at least a little retarded, Sendak highlights this in his book “Where the wild things are” and Dave Eggers and Spike Jonze reiterate this sentiment repeatedly in “Where the wild things are”.

Man it’s big, and furry and pretty and I’m not referring to Tyra Banks’s coochie no I’m talking about “Where the wild things are”. Jonze gets straight into it and doesn’t waste time with banalities or ‘post-modern updates’ No Bam! You’re there, 9 years old again and no-one fuckin understands anything especially not your stupid mean mom who forces you to eat frozen Corn.

You’re there in the land of the wild things and its fun and inconsequential and you have wars, and sleep in big piles and get to go through jungle, desert and forest in the space of a mile. It’s all so wonderful and yes! Accompanied by Karen O’s oh so indulgent yet playful score it’s so much fun! But then shit gets dark, real fuckin dark and James Gandolfini sucking down wooden calzones and sandy tomato sauce rears his ugly yet amiable ass in the form of Carol the wild thing. From there the kids need to leave and you come to realize that this film is not about perspective but retrospective views about adolescence and how the world really is a wonderful and magical place in your head but in reality its filled with fuckin scary furry creatures who want to eat you and kill owls.

It’s good really good, especially because there’s no fuckin commerce, eating, fucking or dying, it’s just a bunch of wild things –Max ‘fake Reca’ Records- included but then the reality of the human condition which is fundamentally wild kicks in and everything goes sideways and well ja that’s life and your ex-wife.

Jonze returns with exceptional form and stays true to the cinematic form without basterdising it with unnecessary niceties, it’s as ascetic as it gets, but that’s good and makes the narrative work and allows you to catch glimpses of the original text. I liked it and I like puppies and Ice cream and slush puppies and if you don’t like those things you’re weird and fuck you! I’m allowed to say that because I’m a child and a person so therefore I’m retarded.

I give it 7 Hoers.

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